Free Shang Dynasty Notebooking Pages
Well, it’s that time of year again! Planning, planning, and more planning!!!
We’re starting from the beginning again (Creation) and I know I have lots of free pages for the Ancients in my Freebies section but there are a few more I need to make for my son. So I’ll be adding those over the next weeks and months. I also realized that we haven’t studied the ancient periods since our house burned down a few years ago. Thank goodness for Heritage History, because I have absolutely no books to go along with our History spine this year. We are using Mystery of History 1 (2nd edition) again. I will need to purchase some books but I’ll be supplementing with Heritage History for the most part.
With all the being said, here are the Shang Dynasty Notebooking Pages – there are 5 pages in this set all using basic lines. If any of you would like primary lines, just let me know and I’d be happy to do that. It doesn’t take but a minute or two :)